The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
2nd Dec 10
: 40
17th Jul 15
: 21
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
15th May 08
: 42
10th Oct 14
: 84
Fight Club
15th Oct 99
: 110
Baby Driver
28th Jun 17
: 52
5th Nov 14
: 206
Civil War
10th Apr 24
: 107
7th Jun 18
: 60
Happy Death Day
12th Oct 17
: 18
The Shawshank Redemption
23rd Sep 94
: 162
A Quiet Place
3rd Apr 18
: 62
9th Feb 16
: 78
13th Sep 17
: 23
25th May 79
: 77
Create with Love ❤️ by Zaw Myint
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
⭐66.00% /
1st Apr 79 /
Animation, Family, TV Movie, Fantasy, Adventure
This Emmy Award winner for Best Animated Special is based on the first book of C.S. Lewis' acclaimed series, "The Chronicles of Narnia." Four children pass through a mystic portal in a wardrobe and discover the magical kingdom of Narnia, a land of talking animals and mythical creatures. There, an evil witch's spell has cast the land into eternal winter. Fearing that an ancient prophecy is coming to fruition, and that the children are Narnia's rightful rulers, the White Witch tricks their youngest brother into betraying his family, enacting an ancient magic that she can use to halt the fulfillment of the prophecy. Now, only Aslan, noble lion and High King above all kings in Narnia, can help them defeat the witch, restore springtime to Narnia, and claim their rightful places on the throne.