According to the eponymous vaudeville by A.P. Chekhov. Petty bourgeois Zhigalovs, whose daughter-in-law Dasha is being extradited, find out to their horror that the official Aplombov, who has been caring for Dasha all summer, has dined every day with them and has proved himself to be his bridegroom, is not going to marry at all.
Faina Ranevskaya
Настасья Тимофеевна Жигалова (мать невесты)
Aleksei Gribov
Zoya Fyodorova
Дашенька (невеста)
Erast Garin
Эпаминонд Максимович Апломбов (жених)
Mikhail Yanshin
Андрей Андреевич Нюнин (агент страхового общества)